Impact Machining carries many advantages. Among the many advantages cost reduction is the greatest. A higher quality product is made at a fraction of the price from alternative processes, i.e. machining from solid bar stock.


  • LESS RAW MATERIAL REQUIRED: When impact machining, virtually all of the metal in the slug is formed into the finished part. Resulting in little to no loss of material or flash. Studies show that savings of material are 40-70%.


  • LESS OR NO ADDITIONAL MACHINING REQUIRED: Since impact machining can extrude an exact shape with tolerances controlled and a smooth finish preserved, little to no finish machining is necessary. In some cases a small amount of  finish machining is needed. For example, Undercutting, threading or trimming can be done quickly and less expensive at Best Metal Extrusion’s facility. Savings from the elimination or reduction of machining in most cases increase with the complexity of the product. With conventional machining of complicated, intricate parts more material has to be removed than remains in the finished product. 


REPLACEMENT OF ASSEMBLIES WITH ONE PIECE COMPONENTS: Impact machining offers the opportunity to use a single part instead of previous assembly or sub-assembly, reducing or eliminating the necessity of producing extra parts and assembling them.  For example, pictured below is a housing previously made by welding a machined top flange and a bottom bushing to a deep drawn cup (left). On the right is virtually the same part, only made as one piece through impact extrusion. Combining of these components results in an added strength by eliminating a local stress created by fasteners or welding.







Impact machining generally will increase the tensile strength from 30% to 120% and yield strength from 60 to 150% depending on the amount of movement and deformation.


  • Material that has been machined through impact develops continuous contoured grain flow lines. These flow lines help improve the physical properties.


  • With smooth finishes also produced by impact, and the absence of stress inducing tool marks, the favorable grain flow pattern provides an improved resistance to shock and fatigue failure.
